Dimensions UPDATES10.7.24 // Updated Families of Kushrin Fields. Added artwork to Galleria. 07.13.24 hello everyone! i hope your day is going well. as you know, i have been working on adding new pages to this site to accommodate the new work i am doing, on my stories and in my personal life. if you read my about me page, you'll know that i have accepted a role as ambassador to iliya. i will be bringing you news from its governing body, as well as my own tales of my experience there. further, i will be sharing with you some of the crafts i have been doing that lend well to my work as ambassador. i have done a great deal of scrapbooking and simulator gaming since 2019, and i would love to share some of my work with you. i also listen to kpop obsessively so you will see some of that as well. that's all for today's update. i will be seeing you shortly via social media and new site pages! 06.29.24 i have added new menu options as i am preparing a revamp of this site. Hope your 2024 is splendid! 11.20.22 Hello lovely readers! I've been making some changes and updates to the site over the past year, but I haven't written formal updates here. I am still adding new things and I will write a more detailed updated sometime this week. Meanwhile I hope you're all having a great week and living your best life. Take good care, and I will see you soon! 02.14.21 Created series page. Been busy working, so you will see more updates soon =) Stay safe and healthy! 09.05.21 Hope you are all well! I am working on updates and stories, today I uploaded series pages.
07.31.21 You've been waiting for it, and yes, it is coming very soon. I'm finally creating a new layout since -- years, and I decided after focusing so much on writing lately, that my site, deserves a new fresh look. As you can probably tell, I quite like the style, though in my is a bit outdated, but I like it, and it suits the stories on this site. However, as you know, I do like to change the layout up a bit once in a while -- and that time has come again! I don't like to change it, if I don't have something I'm proud of, so this one will be nice. I will also be updating my layouts page which you will be able to check out and see the history of the site's designs. The most recent being, "one summer night." Aside from that I have some news coming about some possible offline items you will be able to get through memberships. Please keep an eye out for that. Meanwhile, I hope you are all staying safe and as well as your families. Take care, and I will be back soon with more updates.
Before getting into the rest of my day I thought I would make a quick update to my site. It's been a while since I've made an update, but I have been working on stories and other content for this site. Dimensions will be going through quite a few changes over the next few weeks, so I wanted to let you all know and be prepared for the new exciting things to come!
I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!!
Website [Mission]
The mission of this site is to provide all fans, even non-fans, with interesting fictional stories that, when reading, fill you with joy. I hope you gain vocabulary, ideas, amusement and joy when reading my stories.
All the action in my most of my stories take place in the two neighborhoods most of my characters live in.
Dimensions, the language of the people in my stories. The stories have been translated to English, since it is the international language and readers can understand it.
new, unfamiliar vocabulary of Dimensions.
dae - yes
Look around you. This is the world we know, but space and time defy it by instilling upon us the other worlds we know nothing of. These worlds are called "dimensions". Each dimension isn't exactly like the other. Each dimension has a slightly altered history than the other. On this Earth Hitler didn't gain complete control of the world, but historians believe that he was on the verge of ruling our world. In a different dimension, because of the difference of choices made, Hitler may as well be the one man ruling the entire world. Choices. Choices are what made this world what it is now, had those choices been a little different, our world would have been different.
In these different dimensions, the people are the same, but the choices that each individual makes alter the history of a life, or lives. This offers an explanation as to why there are so many fan stories out there. In each story the characters have made choices. These choices create their future. Obviously these stories are not canon, but are they completely impossible? I don't think so. Most stories have every possibility to be a reality. If each story were true, it may mean that each story happened in a different dimension than ours, because we know that in many stories our favorite ship gets married. What would happen if they not been just platonic friends, got married and had children? Another world, could tell the story... |