Dimensions HomeWelcome to Dimensions! The online home of the Ambassador! Here is a short introduction to finding your way around the site. REGIONS | The Iliyan Alliance consists of 200 worlds and thousands of associated planets. To assist in my work as ambassador to this world I have simulated 48 of the main and longest running worlds, and 4 based on the homeward which brings us to the grand total of 52 regions. Here you will find glimpses into the layout and structures of those 49 worlds and their contribution to the stability of the galaxy. HOODS | The Alliance has over a thousand ships around the galaxy for the protection of its own worlds as well as assisting those worlds who request help. Officers of the Iliyan Fleet come from all over the allied worlds. I have grouped them into hoods, as I monitor their training and psychological health in order to better serve on these ships. These hoods are not geographic, but based on work in the IGF. You will find all hoods and updates here. STORIES | I have written quite a bit on the subject of Iliya, as well as stories during my sojourn on this planet. Here you will find a list of all the stories i have written. ABOUT ME | If you want to know more about me and my family history, as well as my journey as a writer, teacher, mother, and ambassador, please visit this page!
Website [Mission]
The mission of this site is to provide all fans, even non-fans, with interesting fictional stories that, when reading, fill you with joy. I hope you gain vocabulary, ideas, amusement and joy when reading my stories.
All the action in my most of my stories take place in the two neighborhoods most of my characters live in.
Dimensions, the language of the people in my stories. The stories have been translated to English, since it is the international language and readers can understand it.
new, unfamiliar vocabulary of Dimensions.
dae - yes
Look around you. This is the world we know, but space and time defy it by instilling upon us the other worlds we know nothing of. These worlds are called "dimensions". Each dimension isn't exactly like the other. Each dimension has a slightly altered history than the other. On this Earth Hitler didn't gain complete control of the world, but historians believe that he was on the verge of ruling our world. In a different dimension, because of the difference of choices made, Hitler may as well be the one man ruling the entire world. Choices. Choices are what made this world what it is now, had those choices been a little different, our world would have been different.
In these different dimensions, the people are the same, but the choices that each individual makes alter the history of a life, or lives. This offers an explanation as to why there are so many fan stories out there. In each story the characters have made choices. These choices create their future. Obviously these stories are not canon, but are they completely impossible? I don't think so. Most stories have every possibility to be a reality. If each story were true, it may mean that each story happened in a different dimension than ours, because we know that in many stories our favorite ship gets married. What would happen if they not been just platonic friends, got married and had children? Another world, could tell the story... |